Thursday, October 16, 2008

It's Halloween Time!

Well, it's that time of year again! I love Halloween! It use to be my absolute favorite holiday, but now that I have kids I think it's a tie with Christmas! Here's a picture of the kids last year--Max as the mad scientist (complete with his own brain to carry around), Lily as a little bumblebee, and Zach as the ever favorite Batman. This year Max wants to be a blue martian--that took some time to create! Zach has finally decided to be an "army guy"--which wouldn't be complete without his gun, compass, army knife, and binoculars (all plastic, of course). Lily asked to be a kitty--she'll be the common pink and black variety! I'm excited for them! They have lots of things to wear their costumes to this year! I've already purchased lots of toys and books from the dollar store for our Halloween shop. The kids collect SO much candy, I really don't want them to eat it all so I set up a Halloween shop and they can buy whatever they want with their candy. That way we're all happy! They don't feel deprived and I'm not sweating the dentist bills or late night stomach aches! Yaa!